Do not start too quickly with the final wallpaper or stucco or laying the floor covering.
For this, all the moisture in your new home must have dried properly. Otherwise, cracks or damp spots easily arise in the finish and that is of course not the intention.
In this article you will read all about the causes of building moisture and what you can do to get this moisture out of your house as quickly as possible.
- What Is Bouwvocht?
- How Do You Recognize Building Moisture
- Cause Of Moisture And Building Moisture In A New House
- Moisture problems By Bouwvocht
- Constructing Building Moisture
- How Do You Get Building Moisture From Your Home
- Request a Quote from A Moisture Specialist
- What Is Bouwvocht?
It goes without saying that such a large amount of moisture has not quickly disappeared from your home.
How Do You Recognize Building Moisture
You recognize building moisture on damp construction parts, wet spots, mold formation or when loosening plaster. Sometimes building moisture is more difficult to recognize. A specialist can help you to make a good diagnosis.
Cause Of Moisture And Building Moisture In A New House
But how exactly does that building moisture develop in a new house? There are two reasons for this.
Weather Influences During Construction
In the first place, the house has of course been exposed to all sorts of weather influences during construction. Usually construction takes place in several phases, so there are times when the house is not (completely) closed. Consider, for example, the façade and the roof.
As long as the house is not yet closed, rain and moisture have free play.
Water In Building Materials
In addition, there is a lot of moisture in building materials such as concrete, cement and plaster and all kinds of other materials that need to be diluted with water. When the product has hardened, all this moisture will have to find a way out again. The result is a high moisture concentration in your home.
Moisture problems By Bouwvocht
Because of the building moisture in your house you can suffer from rising damp from the floor. Moisture can also escape from the walls .
Building moisture in your home is just as harmful as ordinary moisture in your home .
Because of moisture there is namely:
Quickly a musty smell in your home;
Can mold develop?
Wooden constructions can start to expand;
And the insulation can be affected, which greatly reduces the insulating effect;
A humid residential climate is also not conducive to health and can even cause health problems.
Constructing Building Moisture
When you have received the keys of your new house and want to continue with the finishing on the inside, it is wise to take a measurement of the concentration of building moisture in your home.
Especially when you want to install a new floor, it is important to be sure that the surface is dry enough.
Attacking Your Floor
If there is still too much moisture in the concrete, sand cement or anhydrite screed, then laying a wooden floor finish as parquet or laminate can expand and be convex.
Even with a glued floor, too much moisture in the screed can cause the new floor to release completely or partially.
Obviously, these kinds of problems entail considerable costs. Fortunately, you can easily prevent this by having a building moisture measurement performed.
Professional Hiring
For this measurement, it is best to hire a specialized company, such as a moisture specialist.
They have advanced equipment to perform a reliable measurement. By means of a moisture meter they determine the moisture content in the materials of your home.
Furthermore, a moisture expert can provide you with advice if your floor is still too damp to finish.
How Do You Get Building Moisture From Your Home
To get the building moisture out of your house you can opt for the natural drying or use of a building dryer to speed up the drying process.
Of course Let Dry
We mentioned it before, it takes about a year, sometimes as many as 18 months, before all the moisture has disappeared from your house.
Ventilation: You help this process a hand by ensuring good ventilation in your home.
Open windows and doors simultaneously to get as much fresh air into your home as possible.
Good air circulation ensures that walls, floors and ceilings will dry quickly.
Reheating: Furthermore, it is wise to gradually warm up the house. For example, start heating for a week at 17 degrees Celsius and set the thermostat a degree higher after each week.
It is important that this heating is done gradually, because otherwise certain materials will dry too quickly, which means that they are damaged as a result.
During this year you better wait with the final finish of your house. With a temporary (construction) wallpaper your walls are covered, but in the meantime they can dry further.
Use Of A Building Dryer
If you would like a faster solution for the removal of the building moisture then you can choose to use a building dryer.
A construction dryer can reduce the total drying time to a few weeks or two months. This naturally results in considerable time savings.
A construction dryer is a machine that absorbs the moisture from the air and collects it in a collection container.
Traditional building dryers do not work as well when the temperature is lower than 12 degrees Celsius. In that case you can combine the construction dryer with a heat pump.
There are also construction dryers that are suitable for proper functioning at lower temperatures.
When the building dryer has only absorbed 1 cm of water in 24 hours, you know that the house is sufficiently dry. This can also be determined with a moisture meter.
If you do not have the time or the patience to wait a long time for your house to dry up sufficiently, the use of a building dryer is recommended.
You can then start faster with the final finish of your house.
You have to be careful with a construction dryer. Do not let the building dryer work too hard. If the moisture is removed from the materials too quickly, cracks can occur.
Request a Quote from A Moisture Specialist
Do you also suffer from building moisture in your house where you want to get rid of quickly, ask for quotes from various moisture specialists.
They can map the moisture problem for you and help you quickly and effectively get rid of the building moisture.
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